We are thought-leaders in the areas of negotiation, persuasion and influencing; including the UK's seminal research into negotiation and emotional intelligence.
Our training solutions are designed to support professionals through the span of their career from introductory level through to advanced influencing and subliminal linguistics for chief officers. As well as customised programmes, we also offer a wide range of off-the-shelf solutions.
Practical Negotiation Training
We operate a broad portfolio of practical negotiation training solutions to meet all your needs, from introductory 1-day courses through to comprehensive advanced 4-day courses with experiential learning and practical simulation sessions. We have extensive experience working on both sides of the negotiation table, delivering effective solutions for buyers and sellers alike. We deliver negotiation training throughout the world and across multiple industry sectors.
Video Negotiation Simulations
Ask about our customised case study video simulation training. We provide various hands-on practical negotiation scenarios that are videoed and given instant playback feedback and coaching - perfect for professional development and skills enhancement!
Influence & Persuasion
Commission one of our advanced programmes to increase the influencing and persuasion skills of your team. We will help you build skills to create interpersonal rapport and credibility that increases your influence and ability to achieve your negotiation goals.
Emotional Intelligence
Led by international speaker and author, Andrea Cordell, we are the leading provider of emotional intelligence and negotiation training in the fields of procurement and sales. Develop insights to your own Emotional Quotient and learn how you can develop your interpersonal skills to deliver improved results at the negotiation table.
Psychometric & Personality Profiling
Research confirms the link between negotiation styles, personality and effectiveness. We are accredited providers of recognised psychometric profiling tools, including FIRO-B, Myers-Briggs and emotional intelligence. Work with us to learn more about your personality and how it affects your negotiation style(s) and outcomes.
Get in touch to find out more about our range of off-the-shelf negotiation training programmes and how we can work with you to design and deliver customised negotiation training solutions to meet your everyday requirements.