We’re delighted to announce that Cordie is now available to offer procurement apprenticeship programmes through a number of key public sector frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems!
Earlier this month, Cordie was accepted onto the following public sector frameworks for apprenticeship provision:
The CCS Dynamic Market Place for Apprenticeship Providers
The Salisbury NHS Framework for Apprenticeship Providers.
These add to the existing local authority framework agreements that Cordie is already on, and helps to make our services more accessible and easier for public bodies to order from. Both of these frameworks undertake rigorous pre-qualification and due diligence to check suppliers’ suitability.
For Cordie, this has meant confirming our status as an accredited apprenticeship training provider status on the DfE Government register, as well as critical accreditations such as our CIPS “centre of excellence” status, our Matrix Standard accreditation, our Cyber Essentials Plus certification and our most recent Ofsted monitoring inspection report.
We are already receiving expressions of interest for both the current procurement apprenticeships.
In January 2024, we will be commencing a new cohort of the Level 3 Procurement & Supply Assistant apprenticeship (standard STO810) and shortly after that yet another cohort of the Level 4 Commercial Apprenticeship in Procurement & Supply (STO313). These provide exciting and ambitious learning pathways for budding procurement professionals.
If you would like more information on either of our existing apprenticeship programmes, or how you can access any of the public sector frameworks that we are available on, then do please get in touch via the contact form at the bottom of this page. We look forward to hearing from you!