Mental Health & Study Support

Studying for your professional qualifications can be stressful. The CIPS procurement diploma programmes are challenging degree-level qualifications that lead to professional status to accelerate your career. That’s why Cordie has two professionally-qualified mental health first aiders in our team. They are here to support you, lend a listening ear and (if required) offer some confidential guidance.

Why is studying stressful?

Studying for professional qualifications can place an incredible amount of pressure on people. Aside of finding the time to process and retain high volumes of new technical information, we are placing demands on ourself to remember a lot of professional content and perform well under exam conditions.

Add to this, the juggling act of a demanding job and outside pressures such as family life, almost every learner will be placing themselves in a position of heightened stress during a professional learning programme.

While we make every effort to make this fun, interesting and engaging - and learning is fun - you cannot escape the fact that sitting exams and discussing your results with co-workers can be extremely stressful.

In turn this places added pressure on our mental health and wellbeing.


Cordie operates an active Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy that covers all Cordie learners and staff throughout all normal learning and work-based activities. Our directors have placed a special importance on maintaining good mental fitness during these activities, as well as providing added support for those experiencing mental ill-health.

We have invested in additional support resources and we have two professionally-qualified Level 3 Mental Health First Aiders on hand should you feel the need to discuss anything of a personal or concerning nature. All of our staff are training in mental health awareness and as well as our Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy, we can provide additional resources and help for you.

One of our qualified Mental Health First Aiders is Al O’Reilly (pictured), our CIPS study centre manager and CIPS exam centre manager. Last week, Al was re-accredited as a Level 3 Mental Health First Aider at Work.

We have enormous respect for all of our learners studying their CIPS professional qualifications. We go to great lengths to offer everyone our support through this process, recognising that some may be carrying substantial burdens from elsewhere at the same time. It is our priority to be there for our learners and to offer a listening ear. We encourage everyone to reach out and talk to us at anytime through your studies.
— Al O'Reilly, CIPS Study Centre Manager & Mental Health First Aider, Cordie Ltd

Where can I get help and find out more?

Talk to us! You can contact us confidentially through the form at the bottom of this page, or by any of the contact details of the qualified Mental Health First Aiders listed within our policy:

Most of all, remember you are never alone.