Hot off the press! We have just reviewed and updated our online “mock” exam practice questions for the whole of the CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement & Supply. There are 60-120 multiple choice questions freely available for each Level 4 Diploma OR study module.
Ever since the start of the current CIPS syllabus (July 2019) Cordie has been publishing mock exam questions to help students prepare for their exams. Our directors both have more than 10 years working directly for CIPS as former examiners and trained assessors. We have written countless exam questions, supervised marking teams, moderated exam marks and supported the development of previous CIPS syllabuses. This has given us a unique insight to the policies and internal workings of the CIPS assessment processes and we are able to bring this experience directly to our CIPS learners.
“Unfortunately you see several would-be CIPS tutors peddling their own made up multiple choice questions online. Many of these are unrepresentative or inaccurate, and no longer reflect current CIPS assessment policy. Aside of being misleading for learners, they are a waste of money.
By contrast, the practice questions Cordie offers our learners have been through rigorous quality checks to ensure they are pitched at the appropriate assessment level and reflect the learning content of each syllabus accurately.”
Recently Cordie reviewed the CIPS sample questions and some have been re-vamped with added complexity. “We want to challenge and stretch our CIPS learners,” said Ian Thompson, one of the Cordie Directors. “There is no point giving learners soft questions that are easy to answer. CIPS will not do that during the exam. We want to prepare our learners in the best way possible to give them confidence and a broad range of analytical skills for the modern working environment.”
You can find out more about our CIPS study centres and the learning materials we provide for our learners by getting in touch via the contact form at the bottom of this page. Do get in touch! We look forward to talking with you more.