Can't make a study date?

Life can be hectic! You may have a demanding job, homelife pressures, an unexpected change of plans or any manner of things to juggle on a day-to-day basis. Studying for your CIPS professional qualifications can be a challenging extra burden to squeeze in to the rest of your busy life. So what happens if you can’t make one of the pre-scheduled study or exam dates?

Make a Study Plan

It sounds obvious, but talk to us about your hopes and expectations. Together we can suggest which modules you study for and when. Each of us is different, so building a personalised Study Plan is the best way to manage your studies, as well as everything else in life.

At the high-level, your Study Plan should show when each study session is booked and when your exams are scheduled. It’s best to do this one qualification level at a time. For example, if you are studying the CIPS Level 4 Diploma, then your Study Plan could easily extend out over the next 18 months showing your plans for study sessions and exams.

Now you have a high-level plan, put these key dates into your diary. Make sure your boss at work is aware, and update your work schedule so that your time is “blocked” out from other work pressures. Also talk to key people in your personal life, like a partner or family. Mark up your home calendar so that they know how and when to support.

Once your high-level plan is complete, now focus on each set of exams one at a time. For example, we are writing this blog in January and so the next CIPS exam is in March. Today, there are eight weeks until the CIPS Objective Response exams, so the countdown has already started, and this is now where you will want to create a “detailed” Study Plan.

Here’s what you might include:

  • Approximate times to read and make notes on each of the Cordie eLearning modules. Our Guided Learning Hours suggest at least 4 hours per eLearning tutorial are required.

  • The date(s) of your study session(s) and any revision sessions.

  • If you are completing a mock (which is critical for a Constructed Response exam) then this needs to be approximately two weeks before the exam in order to receive feedback and make last minute adjustments.

  • Add in time for our Practice Questions and also time to reflect using our pre-recorded revision webinars.

  • Reading the CIPS study guide (if you find this helpful) as this provides added context and generally useful information, even if not directly relevant to your exam.

  • Give yourself a deadline for writing up your revision notes (usually 7 days before the exam).

  • Mark out the weekend before and also two or three evenings before your exam just for reading, re-reading and revising from your notes.

Be Prepared to Flex

Life has many surprises, so do not worry if you cannot keep to the high-level Study Plan that you created. We know you are dedicated and this is important for your career, so we understand (…and many of us have been there before ourselves!) - so be chilled about flexing your Study Plan to suit your personal requirements. Remember: it is here to serve you, not the other way round!

Many learners make an adjustment to their Study Plan. It could be because of added work pressures (maybe a new project or an extra responsibility) or it could be because of something in your personal life (such as a family matter, an illness, a life event, or so on). Studying the full CIPS professional qualifications from Level 4 through to Level 6 can take 3-4 years, but for some it can be even longer. Many things happen over this length of time, so accept that your initial plans will need to adapt over time.

Some learners underestimate their own capability to study and so they draft Study Plans over long periods of time, only to realise they can take on more exams than they had originally believed. OK, so in this case adjust your Study Plan accordingly.

Similarly, if you need to take a break from learning, or if you need to reduce the pace of your studies to fit everything, then do so. It is not a race and nobody wants studying to be a major stress for you!

Talk to us

Cordie has designed a flexible learning programme that allows everyone to study at their own pace. The programme is deliberately not fixed. It allows you to “hop on, hop off” as you require - perfect for the busy working professional…!

We also understand that everyone goes through times of pressure in their life and sometimes you need to adjust your workload to accommodate everything. Think of this as a positive. We are here to help. We also have trained and qualified Mental Health First Aiders who you can talk to privately and confidentially about any of the stresses you are experiencing.

Adjusting your Study Plan is a common occurrence, so please do talk to your designated Cordie programme coordinator. We can suggest which study modules to take when and which study modules go well together (and which do not). We also help with suggestions for reducing the burden of pressure and any anxiety around studying or attending exams, especially if you can’t make a key date.

The most important thing in your studies is you. We want you to enjoy learning. Procurement is a fascinating subject and so incredibly valuable for all organisations. Talk to us: we are here to help you on that journey!