The CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement & Supply is changing next year! Here is a brief overview of the changes and what you can expect to be different and where you can get hold of a copy!
It’s probably easiest to start with what hasn’t changed… Basically it is the same qualification, with the same structure, the same number of modules, the same module titles and more or less the same learning outcomes. So in reality this is only termed as a ‘minor’ change to the existing syllabus - it is only the learning content that has been updated.
However, despite the appearance of only minor revisions, there are some important refinements and improvements to be aware of…
In line with modern practice, CIPS has introduced the concept of ESG (environmental, social and governance) as important criteria to consider when sourcing. They do not explain which ESG criteria they are interested in assessing, but at Level 4 it is predominantly important just to understand why ESG is being included, what’s included within its considerations and how this affects our supply chains.
The previously “troublesome” L4M4 Ethical & Responsible Sourcing module is being trimmed down from four learning outcomes to three. This means the removal of some of the duplication and, most notably, the refinement of the financial stability and due diligence checks. This was always a tricky area for learners, as it used to be open-ended as to how much financial analysis was required. The new syllabus has removed the mention of investment ratios - but it has still kept the understanding and interpretation of financial statements as core content.
Areas of duplication between modules (e.g. specifications, e-procurement systems and so on) have been addressed in order to allow additional content to be introduced.
The use of QR coding and containerised consignments has been added to the core content.
More complex theories such as sources of competitive advantage and the application of lean supply have been [rightly] removed for assessment at Levels 5 and 6.
Most significantly, financial and commercial calculations have been added to the L4M8 Procurement & Supply in Practice module where learners might typically now be expected to undertake simple arithmetic calculations to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of finance, cost, profit and/or breakeven figures. This is a new area in the Level 4 syllabus, where previously CIPS assessors might have shied away from asking learners to undertake calculations. Learners can now expect to receive exam questions asking them to calculate and interpret their numerical answers.
“As one of the expert tutors who sat on the CIPS review panel for the Level 4 syllabus, I wholeheartedly welcome these changes. The new Level 4 syllabus will be a significant improvement on the previous, which always had a ‘hurried’ and incomplete feel about it. It is helpful that the duplications have been removed and the syllabus updated in line with common modern themes, such as ESG.”
The syllabus comes into full force for the March 2024 exams. Before this date, all exams will be based on the current 2019 version 1 syllabus.
If you would like a sneak preview of the new Version 2 syllabus, please click here. In the meantime, we wish you the very best of luck with your CIPS exams - and do please get in touch if there is anything we can help or advise with.