Once again, we were delighted to achieve a 100% pass-rate for the daunting CIPS L6M4 “Future Challenges for the Profession” study module at the May 2023 exam results. While we are delighted to share this success with you, we are mindful that this has not always been the case. Indeed, many CIPS learners find the L6M4 module to be one of the hardest they encounter across all Levels of the CIPS professional qualification. Here we explore why that is so often the case, and what you can do to improve your chances of exam success on this tricky module.
First, why is this module so difficult? Let’s consider the reasons…
It is the only 2-hour CR essay-based exam in the CIPS suite of exams
There are only two exam questions, both mandatory, so there is little room for error
The syllabus content is wishy-washy and open to subjective interpretation
There is no study guide or published technical study content available
The exam “theme” is often just one or two words (literally) which can be interpreted in many different ways
Learners often end up feeling abandoned, direction-less and “lost” as to what is expected of them in this module and how to prepare for their exam.
“Despite its challenge, this study module can be one of the most rewarding and interesting subjects at Level 6. Over our two days of intensive and interactive study, we unlock the mysteries of the CIPS syllabus and guide our learners as to how they can research procurement and supply chain articles to understand more about current strategic challenges facing the procurement profession and prepare each and every one for their final CIPS exam. We are proud of our 100% pass-rate and we want to continue to deliver value for our customers.”
So what can you do to prepare for this exam and improve your chances of passing?
Aside of the obvious plug to sign-up with one of our interactive workshops, we strongly recommend an analytical study of the published syllabus. You can get a copy on our learning portal, but also from the CIPS website (be careful you get the latest version).
On the syllabus, you will see there are two learning outcomes. These represent the study content areas that you will be assessed on for Questions 1 and 2 in your exam. The learning outcomes only have three sub-outcomes each and so the secret to preparing for the L6M4 is all about applying each of these outcomes to the pre-published “theme” from CIPS.
In the past we have had a wide range of interesting and relevant business themes. These have included:
Big data
Vertical integration
Managing waste
Artificial intelligence, and so on.
You are not expected to be a technical expert on these subject areas, but you are expected to demonstrate an understanding as to how they apply and impact upon the procurement profession - both now and in the future.
This makes for a truly interesting and potentially inspiring end to your CIPS qualifications journey. Next step… MCIPS !!
If you have any questions about how to tackle the L6M4 exam or how to undertake the necessary research to prepare yourself for the exam, then please feel free to get in touch with us via the contact form at the bottom of these web-pages. We would be delighted to hear from you, and we sincerely hope you also will join our 100% club ;)
Good luck!