World Sleep Day!

Today is World Sleep Day and we would love to share some secrets behind how to get good sleep and the wonders it can do your for your CIPS studies and professional development! Good sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes... it’s a skill we can all master. Whether you're staying up late studying, gaming, or just scrolling, a good night's rest is key to feeling your best, staying focused, and boosting your mood.

Here are 5 simple tips to improve your sleep routines and wake up refreshed ready to study:

  1. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day... yes, even on weekends! Your body loves routine.

  2. Limit screen time before bed. Put your phone, tablet, and laptop away at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The blue light from screens can trick your brain into thinking it's day time. Yes, that includes the wonderful Cordie eLearning!

  3. Watch out for caffeine. Energy drinks, coffee, and even some teas (like Green Tea) can keep you awake longer than you think. The caffeine in these drinks elevates your metabolism and heart-rate, and they can keep your mind racing unnecessarily. Try cutting these out after mid-afternoon (or even earlier) to help your body wind down.

  4. Get moving during the day. Being active (even a short walk!) can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. Try reading up on this in our Healthy Study Habits eLearning module.

  5. Create a chill sleep space. Make your bedroom a calm, comfy place. Keep it cool, dark, and quiet... and try to use your bed only for sleeping, not for studying or scrolling. Keep those study notes, flashcards and CIPS study guides well away from the bed!

Keeping to a routine and building up a bank of good sleep can be very beneficial for all professional studies. But please do not over-stress about this. Our bodies are incredibly resilient!

It is perfectly natural to feel anxious in the days leading up to your CIPS exam and losing a little sleep prior to the exam is “normal” and highly unlikely to affect your overall performance.

We wish you a great sleep tonight and happy studying!

Watch this space for further information on how to study for your CIPS exams, or contact us below for further information on our CIPS programmes. We would love to hear from you!