How To Appeal a CIPS Exam

How To Appeal a CIPS Exam

Nobody likes making a fuss, but there are occasions when all of your hard work and commitment to study seems to have fallen flat. Everybody has the right to a ‘fair’ exam assesment - and this principle lies at the heart of all CIPS exams. In this blog we tell you how to deal with things that ‘go wrong’ during your exam, what to do about them and how to appeal.

Where Do I Start?

Where Do I Start?

We get asked this question time and time again by so many people interested in starting their studies for their CIPS professional qualifications. It is not easy for the newcomer to CIPS. There are five “levels” of study each leading to separate qualification, and so it is easy to be confused or tempted to start on the wrong one.

Why This Study Blog?

Why This Study Blog?

Studying and passing exams for your CIPS professional qualifications can be hard! We know this from our own personal experience, as well as working with hundreds of learners across the world each year. That’s why we’ve developed this blog - to give you hints, tips and helpful stories to support your learning journey. Better than that, why don’t you just get in touch to see if there is anything specific we can do to support your CIPS studies?