Cordie now provides free ‘mock’ exam questions in the form of online Question Banks for all of our CIPS students and apprentices. This is a great resource to test your knowledge and understanding of the required learning content as part of your exam preparation in the run up to a CIPS exam.
All ‘objective response’ exam subjects across the CIPS Level 4 Diploma now have a fully automated Question Bank with 60-100 mock exam questions per subject; some subjects even have two. These have been prepared by our highly experienced CIPS tutors, all of whom are former CIPS senior assessors, so you know they are of the right quality, style and educational pitch to prepare for your exams.
Our questions are categorised by ‘learning outcome’ in line with the official CIPS syllabus, so you can test the whole or just part of a subject.
The online nature of the Cordie Question Banks replicates the style of exam you will be sitting for your CIPS exam, albeit you get immediate feedback as to whether your answers are correct.
Speaking about the release of these Question Banks, Cordie Director Ian Thompson said: “We are delighted to support our students and apprentices with these excellent free online resources. So many learners are looking to CIPS for guidance on what to expect in their exams. The Cordie Question Banks are the only free online resource in the market and you have the reassurance of knowing they have been developed by experts in CIPS education. Cordie already has one of the highest exam pass-rates for the CIPS professional qualifications and these resources will help to reinforce our position and give our learners confidence ahead of their exams.”
Please get in touch to learn more about how we can help you to achieve your professional ambitions within the procurement profession. Cordie is a CIPS centre of excellence, supported by ISO-9001 and matrix accreditation for all of our learners. We are passionate about helping you to succeed in your professional qualifications.